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Collage & Connect

Collage & Connect

Wed 06/19/2024

Collage and Connect is an hour to connect to your own creativity. This event offers time to sit quietly, work new parts of your brain, and see things in a different way with people from across the globe.

We share ideas on how to start making something, tips on artists to look at for inspiration, other online workshops we've enjoyed… or we just work quietly, enjoying the sounds of tearing paper and quiet contemplation. Together we share an hour of collage making.

Sit with friends, or make some new ones. Get your materials together and let's get ready to share a creative hour together! Join us online or in our studios in the historic Bird Road Art District. Visit us at collaboARTive.org/collage-and-connect for more information.

Price 0-$15

Time 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Venue collaboARTive

Address 4726 SW 75 Avenue

Phone Number 786-501-9486

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