New World Center

The New World Symphony, America’s Orchestral Academy, prepares graduates of distinguished music programs for leadership roles in professional orchestras and ensembles. In the 28 years since its co-founding by Artistic Director Michael Tilson Thomas and Lin and Ted Arison, NWS has helped launch the careers of more than 1,000 alumni worldwide. A laboratory for the way music is taught, presented and experienced, the New World Symphony consists of 87 young musicians who are granted fellowships lasting up to three years. The fellowship offers in-depth exposure to traditional and modern repertoire, professional development training and personalized experiences working with leading guest conductors, soloists and visiting faculty. Relationships with these artists are extended through NWS’ extensive distance learning via the internet.

Address 500 17th Street
Miami Beach FL, 33139 Map

Phone Number 305.673.3331

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