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Immerse Yourself! Salvaging the Deep

Immerse Yourself! Salvaging the Deep

Wed 05/15/2024

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Commander Joseph Dituri enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1985. He served continuously in active service upon various ships and stations where he was involved in every aspect of diving and special operations work, from saturation diving and deep submergence, to submersible design and clearance diving. He is the author of numerous diver-training manuals, a co-author of the book "Tao of Survival Underwater", and wrote "Secrets in Depth". Joe has also been published in several journals.

Join Joe as he takes us through his incredible career and touches on some of the salvage operations he has done to kick off the Museum's new featured exhibit, Salvaging the Deep! Attendants will be able to see the exhibit for its grand opening and enjoy light refreshments.

Price FREE

Time 7 PM

Venue History of Diving Museum

Address 82990 Overseas Highway
Islamorada, FL 33036 GET DIRECTIONS

Phone Number 305.664.9737

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